Original Douay Rheims Bible (1582 & 1610)

The First Epistle of Pavl to the Corinthians

HOW S. Paul planted the Church at Corinth, cōtinuing there a yere and an halfe together, vve reade Act. 18. After that, vvhen he vvas at Ephesus Act. 19, about the end of the three yeres that he abode there, he vvrote this first Epistle to the Corinthians. For euen as S. Luke there vvriteth, vvhen these things vvere ended, Paul purposed in the Spirit, when he had gone ouer Macedonia and Achaia, to goe to Hierusalem: so likevvise doth S. Paul himselfe vvrite here: I vvil come to you in Achaia, when I shal haue gone ouer Macedonia, for I vvill go ouer Macedonia. but I vvil tarie at Ephesus vntil Pentecost, The matter that he vvriteth of, is not one, as in the Epistle to the Romanes, but diuers▪ partly such faultes of theirs, as vvere signified vnto him by them that vvere of Chloè 1 Cor. 1, 11. partly such questions as them selues vvrote to him of, And concerning the things that you vvrote to me. 1 Cor. 7, 1. for so vve may (as it seemeth) deuide the Epistle into these tvvo partes. Or, to put al together, he vvriteth of eight things: 1 Of certaine Schismes beginning among them, by occasion of certaine preachers, vvhom in the Second Epistle he toucheth more plainely as being False apostles. chap. 1. •. 3▪ 4. 2 Of an incestuous fornicator, and some that vvent to lavv before infidel▪ chap. 5. 6. 3 Of Matrimonie and Continencie. chap. 7. 4 Of meats sacrificed to Idols. chap. 8. 9. 10. 5 Of his Traditions. chap. 11. 6 Of the Giftes of the Holy Ghost▪ chap. 12. 13. 14. 7 of the Resurrection. chap. 15. 8. of the Gentiles, to succour the Christian Ievves at Hieru salem▪ chap. 16.